William Hill is a British gambling company headquartered in London, England. The business is split into two divisions, UK and International. They have various online products such as apps, desktop, mobile and tablet sites, and a large retail holding of stores
The mission is to make the gaming offing for William Hill become number 1 in the industry. The gaming side of the business is though more of an extra in the business rather than the main event. We also noticed from the stats that the app download on the Vegas app where significantly lower than the sports book app. It was our mission to take advantage of current gaming trends and push the William Hill Vegas app to another level..
The current design
I did an in dept analysis of some of the main market competitors to see what type off features they provided as well as the overall experience they provided to their customers. I found some of the best experiences where native apps as they loaded there games with ease and had the mobility to have different features that utilised the device
I created a usertest on usertesting.com that made participants navigate through our current app and got them to carry out a series of tasks. I asked them to navigate through the app and rate different aspects of it. After this I asked their opinion and what they think could be improved. I identified that the current app we have does not have any particular issues but there was a continues mention of the app not being very exciting. Please see dec for full insights
After gathering insights I presented this to the stakeholders and we went about try to gather ideas around the business on what we would want the vision of gaming at William Hill to be, this involved gathering heads of products from all over the business to carry out a workshop together as a team.
I started the workshop with a brief overview of our current stats and problem statements around the app and web offing’s
I then created and showed a user flow of our app and got the team to review these. I asked them to get post-it notes and write on each screen where they think improvements could be made and I stressed to them that there was no silly ideas everything and anything is welcome
This was the brough forward to filter the ideas into categories that where related to each other
We then voted as a group to which category we thought would have the most impact to the product. Rounded up by the team show what we though was the most important tasks to focus on
The main objective of this research was to look into how we as a business can take advantage of immerging technologies and trends to see how we could integrate this into our business model. Keeping in mind the ideas of the workshop as well. My main focus was to look into the social aspects of gaming where I looked at in detail for the market potential for social media as well as the wider gaming industry. Please ask to see document for full research
Below you can see all the features in this prototype concept that I added. I went straight to the UI process because of time constraints and because we wanted to get the heads of departments to be inspired by our designs so this meant pushing out all the stops to inspire the stakeholders. I decided to go with a dark style UI as to be more impactful against the current design. I created this prototype in Figma and used a large amount of smart animate features, I got the videos to work by importing them as gifs as a work around to Figma not allowing videos inside the program.
After creating the designs, we had to pitch the new proposals to the heads of departments though out the business many of these people where in the previous workshop also. The designs where really well received around the business some of the comment from the stake holders were “can we make this as soon as possible” and “how do we get the rest of William Hill to this design standard” This is now being used around the business to set a bench mark for the potential future for the Vegas app.
Below is a list of the features that I added into the app. As this was concept to get the wider heads of department, we did not user test the features at this stage. But in the future if I had the opportunity I would test all the features to see what customers found useful or entertaining.